Check out all the great stuff we've added to the store!


Sean Smyrichinsky

Sean Smyrichinsky

Commercial Supervisor, MSDT Instructor, rebreather diver, Boat Captain, Master Equipment Service Tech.

Sean is the go-to guy for all your needs & questions. 25 years of commercial diving experience and over 20 years instructing there is not much he has not seen or done here on the west coast.

Shellie Smyrichinsky

Shellie Smyrichinsky

Operations Manager/Admin

Shellie is usually busy in the shop, organizing the classes and making sure the day to day jobs are getting done and organized. Shellie loves the daily interactions with her customers and is very hand ons in the daily happenings in the store.

Come by and say HI, she will be happy to get you started in your diving adventures.

Sky Alexander

Sky Alexander

Assistant Manager

Sky has been working here all of his life. Graduated in 2019 he now works at the shop full time as our dive tank guy and all around shop keeper. His job is to make sure you get the best experience possible.

His job description:Make sure every customer is happy. Come say hi!

Lisa Joan

Lisa Joan

PADI Divemaster

Lisa has worked at 3 out of 4 UBdiving locations and has grown up in and out of the dive shop! She learned to dive at 14 and is now a PADI Divemaster. You can find her in store or all over the social media pages!

Doug Allen

Doug Allen

Open Water Scuba Instructor

After over 30 years of diving, Doug is excited to finally be an Open Water Scuba Instructor. He has recently retired from his career as a teacher, so is looking forward to getting back into the role, teaching his passion. He looks forward to sharing the Diving adventure with you!

Bryan Chu

Bryan Chu

Underwater Photography Instructor

Bryan is an experienced underwater photographer who can help you out with learning more about underwater photography, getting started with the right gear, and upping your game for taking striking macro and wide-angle photos.

He has extensive experience shooting in warm and cold water, and can tailor teaching material specifically for your level and needs. See his work at
